Emo Quotes

Here are some emo quotes....enjoy!

Emo quote #1 :

Not all scars show,
Not all wounds heal,
Sometimes you can't see
The pain someone feels.

Emo quote #2 :

Pain is what
makes me stronger.
I'm holding onto something,
hoping it will come back,
but knowing it won't.

Emo quote #3 :

I sit here crying,
not because I miss you,
but because I know
I'll never have a chance to hurt you
like you hurt me.

Emo quote #4 :

I was waiting
for you last night
under a broken street light
at least that light
will be fixed
unlike my heart

Emo quote #5 :

She saves his voicemail
So whenever she's lonely
She can hear his voice..

Emo quote #6 :

Whats the sense of
wishing for something
when I always
just wish it away?

Emo quote #7 :

One light,
one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence
Of a thousand broken hearts

Emo quote #8 :

Sometimes if you love
someone so much,
it will actually hurt more.

Emo quote #9 :

Every minute spent with her
comes with an hour of
missing her.

Emo quote #10 :

Just when you thought
everything would be perfect,
everything falls apart.

Emo quote #11 :

I need guidance to
get through the day
and a blade to
get through the night.

Emo quote #12 :

Relationships are like crystals,
you don't realize how much
you love it until it breaks.

Emo quote #13 :

When you put
that ring on my finger,
you put a chain of death
around my heart.

Emo quote #14 :

It's amazing how
someone can
break your heart,
but you still love them
with all the little pieces.

Emo quote #15 :

Sometimes, fate has
a cruel way of
putting things together.
Maybe it's better
if people just give up
when there's no point
in fighting for something anymore.

Emo quote #16 :

When the ship
has finally sailed,
only a fool would go after
when it's already miles away.
But sometimes,
it's a lot better to be a fool
to go after what
we want and need,
rather than to regret
everything in the end
because we never even tried..

Emo quote #17 :

The pain you have caused
will never go away ...
it has dug a hole
in my heart.
And my heart will
never be the same.

Emo quote #18 :

I have full cause of weeping,
but this heart shall break
into a hundred thousand flaws
or here I'll weep.

Emo quote #19 :

I'm gonna draw
a picture,
a picture
with a twist.
I'll draw it with
a razor blade,
I'll draw it
on my wrist.

Emo quote #20

It's the heart afraid of breaking
that never learns to dance.
It is the dream afraid of waking
that never takes the chance.
It is the one who won't be taken
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul afraid of dying
that never learns to live.

Emo quote #21 :

Sticks and stones
may break our bones,
but words will break our hearts

Emo quote #22 :

It really changed my life.
When we split up,
something changed,
permanently, in me.

Emo quote #23 :

My heart sort of broke that day,
and it will never be the same.

Spiteful words can
hurt your feelings
but silence breaks your heart.