Why Did Things Have To Change?

I was Just thinking
It's quite interesting
How the last time we saw each other
We talked to one another
About our relationship
And all the things we did
From a normal handshake
To a hug which was quite fake
Your arm around me
You sitting on my knew
A kiss on the cheek
Till our lips had the courage to seek
One another's lips
Which set my heart off fast
Everytime I wished it last
Forever and ever
And for it to end never
But what do we know
When I watched you go
I knew it was the last time
For your lips to touch mine
I tried to get the idea out of my head
And think of all the good times instead
But reality haunted me
Until I finally could see
We couldn't be together
For all the things you ever
Did to me
Hurt me
I didn't want to do it
But the more I thought about it
The more I felt it was the right thing
You took it more easily than I expected
But my heart was infected
Your excuse was that your love for me faded
But yet you still waited
for me to end it between us
And for me to make the big fuss
I stayed at home and cried
While you were on the other side
Having lots of fun
The pain you showed was none
Who knows how you really felt
Maybe all your pain you held
But I couldn't get over things
Kept looking at those key rings
Which you gave to me last Christmas
When everything was the best
What hurt me like hell
Was The way you moved on so well
I mean I was happy for you
But I wished I could do that too
You had a new girlfriend the next week
When I was still very weak
I was starting to get stronger
But that made the pain last longer
The person you are now
Is not who you were then
I miss my old life
My new one hurts as much as a knife
Cutting into my heart
For the fact that we had to part
Is just so stupid
I just wish I was once again just a kid
When life was so much easier
I didn't always have to shed a tear
Over a girl I loved so very much
My heart she did once touch
But now she is just hurting it!
Forgetting it!
Destroying it!
Killing it!