Being Surrounded

I could be surrounded by people,
yet be completely alone
when they look at me
they look right through me
like I’m not there,
a ghost which walks among them.

I could be surrounded by people,
yet be completely alone
when they speak to me
I can hear the venom seep
into each syllable
dripping from their tongues.

But even if only one person
could see me,
understand me,
this world would be a better place.

That person could be you
the one which sees
the one which believes
that person could be you…..


I am trapped in this situation;

The only thing making me free is my choices,
But it pulls me back in;
I try to break free of these chains,
But our situation makes them tighter,
And tighter, until no blood flows through my hands and paralyzes my mind;
Becoming free is just a dream.


Where I am
I think to my self……..
Where was I ….
Where had I have been?
Tears run down my face
For not knowing these answers
What if I never remember again?
But then I think one day I will remember


Pain, the feeling after being heartbroken,
Telling people you never want to be awoken.
Your heart is hurting and breaks apart,
Makes you feel like broken art.

Lay your head down and never wake up.
Hide from your shame and misery and cries.

Right here, right now is were your body lies.
Don’t think its over yet,
You and pain have finally met.

Hold your head down, never lift it up.
Cut yourself, let it beat in a cup
Don’t think your crazy, don’t think your stupid
It’s just pain
Now let it be heard

Love Hurts

  • Love hurts it’s filled with lies
    because of it I hear lots of cries
    you told me you loved me
    and now i wish you would leave me be
    you told me a lie
    you’re the reason i cry
    I watch myself bleed out
    and you don’t care no doubt
    and now i say goodbye
    you were my lovely butterfly
    I hope you miss me now I’m gone
    I left you alone
    I’m sorry but it’s me you hurt
    now i am buried in dirt
    but always know that i love you
    I know what you said wasn’t true
    but goodbye
    my lovely butterfly

If There Was A Broken Heart

If there was a broken heart
I’d be that broken heart
who would heal it
I was a ghost crying
whose shoulder would I cry on
If I was dead
who’d cry for me
who’d love me for me
People are cruel
but there is another heart thats broken too.
should I find that heart and heal it if they healed mine?
Should I stay in the dark or go find that heart?
Would I be able to find it?
Fear is surrounding me.
Two broken hearts can mend and heal and become one heart
But they are scarred forever still

Every Day

There are no words
For what I want to say
And I guess that I
Can’t go there
And I just feel helpless
That I’ve failed
In just about every way
And I carry the pain
Every moment
Of every day

The Rain Where I Walked In..

The rain where I walked in…

Just like a perfect match for a soulmate
Between me and my heart’s wounds.


Never let me walk through this dark void again..
I have had enough of this!
Then why do you still reflect him in my mind’s mirrors,
For someone who I hate so much?

Maybe, just maybe…

Because of you…
The wound reopened..
For once in my life

I have never experienced this kind of pain before,

You assured me everything will be okay,
But that was nothing but such fictious catchphrase of yours.

Don’t lie to me.

Because I had enough walking in the rain of plagues.
Don’t remember me,
Because I know you’ll forget me sooner or later.
So please…
Run away from my life,
Run away from me,
Don’t show yourself to me anymore.
Never break the locks of my heart,
Which takes care the amount of sadness you’ve caused to me.

Just go away as far as you can from my monochrome vision…

My Heart Is Broken

My heart is broken
Shattered into many pieces
like a glass mirror
My soul dies
It will never rest in peace
My tears cries
falling down through my cheeks
I see my dark clouds above me
My smile went away
The Pain is killing me
I watch my blood drip down
through my wrist and my hand
I’m sitting alone in the darkside
I’m nowhere to be found

Our Love

Loves memory has traced our outline in this place. 
But will the spider remember, or the sun?
Did the water capture our faces in permanence?
Does the wind create us anew as it blows?
Did the shadows from the trees record our passage beneath them? 
Our secret been revealed.
Yet I have told no other. 
I write these words in silence, in mute testimony 
To what once was. 
But our image remains alive in this place. 
It can not be removed. 
You, me, 
We then,
Were here. 
We saw the day and hoped for tomorrow. 
We caught a brief glimpse of love's promise. 
We were not liars, 
But thieves of time. 
For now time has now forgotten us,
Yet our memory lingers, and love remembers
This place that was ours.